Buying timeshare resales

We all deserve a vacation at least once a year and by buying a timeshare week on the resale market could save you as much as 50% on the initial purchase price.

Essentially, an investment in a timeshare is intended to save you money on your future vacations and not intented to be a capital investment. You should view it as a long term investment where your return is in the form of future savings and if, after 10 years of savings you make a reasonable return on the sale of the timeshare, it will be the best investment you ever made.

Most timeshare owners hold onto their units, pass them down through the family, allow friends and family members to use them or rent them out when they cannot use them.

We all know the cost of hotel accommodation and in particular foreign hotels and travel costs. Timeshare offers a massive saving when travelling abroad and and just 1 ovberseas vacation could nett you a return on your investment.

Timeshare and in particular purchasing a resale timeshare week allow families to travel Internationally at a fraction fo the cost.

By owning a South African timeshare week at a good resort would cost a family of up to 6 people the following for a 7 day vacation abroad. (purchase price excluded)

Annual maintenance charge R2500 (average 6 sleeper unit), Iternational timeshare exchange fee R900.

Thats R3400 for 7 days for up to 6 people for a self catering vacation Internationally.

A significant saving I am sure you will agree!

7th Sep 2018 2:21 pm